Posts Tagged ‘Why statement’

Staying in touch with your WHY

As we wrap up this month’s theme on your Why Statements I wanted to share with you some examples of how to keep it in front of you as a reminder /motivator.  Two of my favorite ways I keep my Pinnacle Gift statement in front of me: 1) It’s on my calendar as a repeat…

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Communicating Your Why

How To Communicate Your WHY Statement When you make a commitment to create a truly powerful WHY statement, it is a good idea to share it with other people in your social circle. You can share your new personal WHY statement with your family members, your close friends, your clients, and prospects.  Sharing Provides Accountability…

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5 reasons you need to define your WHY

Most people do not know what is their true calling in life. Some people just don’t care about this and are happy to be a drifter in life and just “go with the flow”. Others do care about it but have problems with identifying their real purpose in life. Today I’ll share the 5 reasons…

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Why Your Business Needs A Why

A WHY statement for a business is known as a “mission statement”. It is similar to a personal WHY statement in a number of ways. Having a good mission statement is important but most business owners don’t bother to create one. Or they write one for a business plan and then never look at it…

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