
Want to know exactly what to focus on to grow your business?  





Peer Groups

We call this a "no brainer!" As a business owner you should be a part of these amazing peer advisory groups that focus ON your business each month so you can expand your awareness and be around other entrepreneurs who are "up to something" with their business!


Coaching simply helps you to get to where you want faster than you could do it on your own. Professional athletes have multiple coaches, as a professional business owner, why shouldn't you? (And maybe you'll get that Professional Athlete feeling without the workouts and paparazzi!)


If you're not growing and learning, you are stagnant and who wants to be stagnant? We offer courses to help develop you and your business!

Book your Business FOCUS session today!

Hear what others have to say about Success Magnified:


Attending my peer advisory board is something I look forward to every single month. I am always astounded at the depth of insight we achieve in 10 minutes or so of brainstorming each other's needs and issues. 


I finally found the right group, with the right mentors, with a perfect system to accelerate my success.  I have been searching for a long time for the missing piece.  Unfortunately, like many of us, there were too many times that I felt I must be lacking due to my inability to get the professional traction I wanted. However, being a lifelong learner, I never gave up.  Seeking for the keys to success that would work for me was an ongoing quest.  This mission brought me to Mary and Tracy’s introduction to their program with Success Magnified.  I knew in an instant it was for me!  I joined one of their Peer Support Groups and my life has not been the same.  I am more focused and more excited than I have been in years.  Both Mary and Tracy are some the best leaders I have ever had the privilege of working with.  If you are on the fence about checking it out or not sure what your next step should be, I encourage you to look into Success Magnified and watch your business grow!

PollySuccess Magnified has been a game-changer in my business. It has helped me hone my focus, expand my vision, and get organized to a place where my systems are running so smoothly that I have more personal time! 

Most important, I never feel alone in my growing business; I have a professional coaching "team" that I can call on at any time.

--Polly Letofsky, CEO of My Word Publishing 


kb-circle-smallerMy dad owned his own business, not a profitable one mind you, but his words of advice echoed through my head “why pay anyone good money to do something you can do yourself?”  This course helped me to finally break through that old school advice to see how I can double my income while working 25% less time. I’m excited to apply these principles that allow for much more personal time and enjoy the journey of growing my business in a way that IT serves ME, rather than me feeling like a slave to it.

-Kathy Basel


pam-blackmanLadies!  I want to thank you so much for our coaching session today!  I wanted to share with you a couple of specifics of what I really appreciated.  

1) You really listened!  

2) You made me feel "safe."

3) You pushed back.  It's very important that you do that!  Who wants a coach who goes along with everything you say!  I wouldn't need a coach then.  🙂  But it was the way you pushed back.  Very appropriately and in a non-threatening way.  It was greatly appreciated!

I look forward to our future work together & opportunities to refer you!  Thank you!!!!!!

Pam Blackman

Certified Online Business & Marketing Manager 

& Infusionsoft Specialist

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