Questions: 2 Questions to Start Your Day

Do you have a morning routine?  For years off and on I have practiced a morning routine based on the book/cd 30 Days to Grace by Diane Sieg.  You know I love a good system – and this puts your morning routine into a system you can complete in 30 minutes! 

Its comprised of 5 minutes deep breathing, 15 minutes of yoga, 5 minutes of meditation and 5 minutes of journaling – like I said in 30 minutes you have expanded your lungs and your mind, moved your entire body and written down your goals – BOOM!  Then comes coffee!

I started this morning practice again yesterday as we started a new month and a new season.  You set an intention for the 30 days of your practice and touch base with it each day.  During the meditation section she asks you this question and I wanted to share it with you.  

What Is the most important thing I need to FOCUS on, Pay Attention to, or Give Energy to today to fulfil my intention? Of course this always sets my mind spinning which is not the point of meditation, but it is a good question to ask yourself as you start your day and then allow yourself some quiet time to think about your day and how you can show up purposeful.

In my journaling section I always try to answer this question as well:  How can I make every interaction a bit better today?  A kind word, a smile, a thoughtful deed?

TAKE ACTION: If you don’t already have a morning routine, I encourage you to start one.  Taking a few precious moments to yourself to set the intention for the day will help you stay focused, stay grateful and be generally happier (in my humble opinion and experience!) 

Set a timer – 5 minutes is a great start.  Write down the two questions above and jot down or think about your answers.  Listen to what pops into your head and then take action on it!

BUSINESS: Looking for someone to ask questions about your business?

Here are just some of the questions my clients have asked and we’ve answered in the last month during our 90 minute FOCUS Sessions: 

  • What information should I put on my flier to announce my newest service?
  • How can I clearly say what I do in my 30 second intro?
  • How do I balance creating new things and delivering my current services?
  • What are the steps I need to create my marketing plan? 

 If you have similar questions about your business -Consider booking a 90 Minute FOCUS session.  These are one time coaching sessions via Zoom where we do a deep dive into the places you may be feeling stuck in your business.  I ask you questions and we find the answers together.  You will leave with a clear action plan to move forward. 

I’m offering my special discount price to everyone during the month of April:  Reg price: $279  – Client/Network Discount: $229  (Save $50!)

Let’s get those questions answered! Schedule Your 90 Minute FOCUS Session TODAY