Focused Generosity

We made it through October! As of this morning we have not quite made it through election season! Regardless of which candidate becomes the leader of our country, let’s all take a collective deep breath and remember we are ALL Americans! We have ALL benefited from the founding fathers setting up a system that allows the citizens to be heard. We ALL want a safe place to live, work that fulfills us, a better world for our children and grandchildren. Enough about that!

This month’s theme is Generosity. be kind

According to the definition on, generosity is a quality that’s a lot like unselfishness. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you’re forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.

How are you showing Generosity in your business this month?

If you need help with strategy in your business, consider talking with me about a 90 Minute FOCUS session. We can get all that data out of your head and into action!

The first step – let’s chat! Schedule a Free 30 Minute FOUCS session.

Each week during the month of November I’m sharing a free resource with you!

This week you can download my favorite FOCUS Tool – the 10 Minute Brain Dump! This simple tool will help you: Focus, Prioritize and Take Action!

Use this tool to help you be more intentionally productive during the day and keep you focused on completing the tasks at hand, instead of bouncing around trying to multitask.

There are 5 simple steps in this tool. When you use it consistently – you will be amazed at the clarity, productivity and yes, revenue derived from it.

“I did Mary’s brain dump this morning. Very powerful and got me super organized” – Maryanne


Download the 10 Minute FOCUS Tool