CLARITY: Routines and Resolutions

We are closing out the 3rd full week of January!  How are you doing on your new year goals and resolutions? 

Statistics show that by the 3rd Monday (known as BLUE MONDAY), most resolutions to be healthier, spend more time with loved ones, go to bed or get up earlier, and action to grow your business have slipped, if not been completely abandoned!  Bummer!  I know that you really believed it was going to happen this year.

Well, I hope that you are still going strong in moving forward with your goals.  Something to think about is to switch your mindset to creating a routine around your resolution.

For example: One of my goals this year is to feel healthier both physically and mentally. I realized I had let my morning routine slip a bit last year. 

Two tools I have built in to help:

I do a practice called 30 Days to Grace (book and CD by Diane Sieg), in 30 minutes each morning the routine walks me through 5 minutes of deep breathing, 15 minutes yoga, 5 minutes meditation and 5 minutes journaling.  I know that when I do these things daily, my days and weeks run much better and I feel strong and healthy. 

To help me keep track of how often I do my practices (routines) I have started using the App – Habit Bull.  I love it! Its free and it lets you create your own habits you want to track and how you want to track them.  For example – I have set my tracking around the morning routine for every weekday Monday – Friday.  When I have completed my routine – I just tap the calendar app in Habit Bull and I see how many days in a row I have completed it.  The app sends you reminders, and gives you praise for completing so many days in a row. YAY ME!

How clear are you on the routines you need to establish to be successful?

Take action – Reach out – Need help getting back on track or creating your growth habits?  I’m happy to celebrate wins, acknowledge your current greatness and help map out an amazing future!  You simply chose a time to schedule a Free 30 Minute FOCUS Call with me.