Vitamin C3: What are YOU contributing?

Welcome to November! The month of Thanksgiving and gratitude and the kick off of the holiday season!
This month we will be touching on the themes from my book. It’s how I show up as a human being and definitely in my business. Vitamin C3 = Connection, Contribution, and Celebration!

Small Businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. They contribute in so many ways – through paying local taxes, providing local jobs, supporting local schools/ charities, and ultimately providing goods and services.

It’s so important to stop and recognize how your business is contributing to the community. It’s just as important to reflect on how is your business contributing to YOU.

This week I attended a workshop lead by my dear friend, mentor and coach, Danny Ballard. He lead us through his workbook on Vision, Goals and Self Evaluation.  Several of the exercises throughout the day reminded us to take a look at how we are contributing.

TAKE ACTION: Take some time to reflect on

How is my business contributing to the community/world?

  • Services – what are the impact your service has?
  • Products – do they elevate the community?

How does my business contribute to me?

  • Does it pay me?
  • Does it fulfill my needs (social, emotional, financial, mental, spiritual)

What am I contributing to?

  • What groups/organizations/ causes are you contributing to on a regular basis?
  • How are you contributing? Time, Money, Awareness
  • What cause or organization would you like to contribute to in the future? Why and how?

Next week we will be talking about Celebration!

In the meantime, if I can help you with Connection, Contribution or Celebrations in your business – Schedule a call so we can chat.