TIME: Interruptions!

What are your favorite time wasters er.. I mean interruptions?  Pet’s? Kids? Spouses? Netflix?  Working from home, and many of you are also home schooling too!  There are many interruptions to our workday.  

Your action for today – turn off the interruptions for a 1 hour block of time and see what you can get done.  

  • Turn off notifications on your phone and your computer (Google how to do it – it’s a one time interruption that can save you hours!)
  • Let your kids/spouses/pets know that you are working on an important project and can’t be disturbed for 1 hour!
  • Find a space all to yourself – close the door – put a sign on the door if that helps.
  • Set a Timer!
  • Get to work – don’t look at email, don’t look at social media, only open the software you need to accomplish your task!


FOCUS Sessions. Do you need to some outside eyes on your business?  Hiring a coach like me can help by asking questions about those ideas and projects swirling in your head.  We can then implement a streamlined, simplified plan of action you can implement with ease and joy!  In a 90 minute FOCUS session we can sort out what brings you energy and revenue, and grant you permission to eliminate the attachments to the rest. 

The first step – let’s chat! Schedule a Free 30 Minute Call.