Show some love to your business.

Happy Superbowl Weekend and an early Happy Valentines Day! February is zipping along!

The theme for February is Show Some Love! Now as a business coach who preaches that you can build a business you love AND a life you love, I’m excited about this theme. 

Today I want to share 3 ways you can Show Your Business Some Love!

1) Write a love note to your business.
 What do you love about what you do? Which clients to you appreciate working with and why? What does your business bring to your life.. freedom, education, fulfilment? Put it all down in a love note and then read that note on your business anniversary (the date you officially registered with the Secretary of State!)

2) Love on your Profit & Loss Statement. I know this sounds weird, but spend some quality time looking at your Profit and Loss statements. Be grateful for the money that came into your business and what it was able to buy for you (even if the number is no where you wanted it to be). Take a look at your expenses and be grateful that you were able to pay those bills. What services are you paying for that make running your business easy and simple?

3) Love your space. Look around your office space – what kinds of things do you have that bring you joy? Is it time for a deep clean? How can you bring some love and attention to the space where you work everyday?

ACTION: Don’t take your business for granted – show it some love this next week!

If you are ready to have a conversation around building your business -please click here to schedule a time for us to chat!