Self-Care: The BEST gift to RECEIVE!

Here we are in the last few weeks of 2022! This month I want you to CELEBRATE YOU!

I know the last few weeks of the year get very busy – wrapping up school events, shopping, prepping, and all while trying to keep everyone healthy. We have had a breakthrough case of COVID at our home and while it was mild – (thank you vaccines!) we still had to quarantine at home and cancel out on many of our in person holiday gatherings. So once again we are forced into a quieter, more introspective December. Self Care for us looks like lots of fluids, a sludgy every morning (our fruit/veggies smoothies), extra rest, homemade chicken noodle soup, and reflecting on all the many blessings while enjoying the Christmas tree.

Here are some tips on How to Balance Practicing Personal Self Care with a Busy Life One of the most difficult challenges a lot of people face with self-care, is finding the time to fit it in. When you live a busy lifestyle, it can seem almost impossible to find extra time to look after you. So, how can you balance practicing self-care with a busy lifestyle?
Schedule it in A good tip you can follow to ensure you can fit self-care into your busy routine, is to schedule it in. Think about it, you schedule in everything else, so why not self-care? When you set a time to focus on yourself, you are much more likely to stick to it. No matter how busy you think you are, there will always be time for self-care somewhere in your schedule.
Establish a morning routine If you are struggling to find the best time of day to practice self-care, you might find it easier in the morning. If you’re a busy parent, you might disagree here but think about it. In the morning, you could get up just 30 minutes earlier, or 15 minutes if you want. This can be the perfect opportunity to practice self-care. Alternatively, if you are a parent you could focus on self-care in the evenings when the kids have gone to bed. It doesn’t take long to practice self-care so you should always be able to squeeze it in somewhere. 
Look at automating daily tasks There are all kinds of tools and gadgets that can automate various aspects of our lives. If you are constantly busy, you’ll find automating certain tasks can be a game changer. For example, you could switch from going to the grocery store, to ordering groceries online (of course a Magic Meal Planner can help build your lists – see below!). If you have items you frequently purchase, these can be added to your favorites list, making it easier to add them to your order next time. Doing your grocery shopping online can free up a lot of free time during the week that can be used on self-care.
START SMALL You don’t have to start by completely overhauling your lifestyle. Instead, you can start small with self-care. Begin by taking just 10 minutes out of each day to focus on a self-care activity. Focus on developing one positive self-care habit at a time. Once you have mastered that, you can move on to the next task. By starting small, it makes it easier to fit self-care into your busy life. Many people mistakenly think they need to begin with at least 30 minutes a day. The truth is, however much time you can free up for self-care is enough. Once you get started, you’ll find it easier to start focusing more on self-care due to the benefits you experience.
Overall, balancing practicing self-care with a busy lifestyle isn’t easy. Remember, self-care is essential to your health and wellbeing. So, no matter how busy you are, you should always try and make time for self-care daily.

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