Goals: 6 Ways to Stay On Track

Last Friday in January 2022! How are you doing on those goals? We are 1/12 of the way through the year! If you have fallen off of your plan – make the decision today to take a step to get back on track!

6 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Goals

Easier said than done, the expression goes. But when it comes to not doing work toward your goals, falling back on this expression can have some serious consequences. Here are a few tips for staying on track. 

1: Write it down. When it comes to keeping appointments and meeting deadlines, most people have to write them down—or else they somehow disappear until after they’ve passed. The same is true with goals. Without visually concretizing your aim in writing, your goal is likely to dissipate into thin air.

2. Set a schedule. If your goal doesn’t have a due date, then you can always keep putting it off if things get in the way, or even if you just feel lazy. Put the goal on your calendar. If it’s something big, don’t try to cram too many other things into the days before your deadline.

3. Break it down. Your goal will be easier to accomplish if you break it down into digestible steps. When architects plan a building, they don’t just put it up in one day: it’s built in parts, from the foundation up. The same is true with your goal. Break it down into weekly, monthly, or even yearly chunks, depending on how far out the deadline may be.

4. Get Accountable. (My Favorite!) Studies have shown that when you have to report to someone else, you’re more likely to stay on track. Pick an accountability buddy. I offer weekly accountability coaching in both 3 or 6 month increments! Set up times when you’ll check in and notify them of your progress.

5. Be Positive. Remember the story of The Little Engine That Could—he was able to climb the hill because he kept on saying “I think I can, I think I can.” You should have the same reaction towards your goals: verbal and mental positivity. Use affirmations, positive thinking, and support from those around you to reach for the clouds.

6. Treat Yourself/ Celebrate!. When you hit a milestone, do something nice for yourself, whether it’s going out to lunch or buying a new article of clothing. Plan a special event or prepare to claim a prize when you reach your goal. Teachers are great at leveraging this tactic: when their class hits a behavioral or educational goal they throw a pizza party. Why not use the same strategy and celebrate with a nice treat when you reach the end of the road?

TAKE ACTION: Book a 90 Minute FOCUS Session with me!

Have you given up on your goals already? Not really gotten started on them? Looking for weekly or monthly accountability?

Book a 90 Minute FOCUS Session with me and we can start to clarify where you may be stuck with your goals or goal setting in general.

You will leave with clarity and an action plan to get started without feeling lost or overwhelmed!
Sound good?Click here to Book a session today for the discount price of $229.00 (reg. $279)