Community – Your 5 People

Community - Who are you surrounding yourself with?
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
― Jim Rohn
As we roll into the 4th of July holiday weekend, it makes me think about this quote from Jim Rohn. Look at the community our founding fathers were building when they were hammering out the details for our new country. Just like in any community or group, there was dissention and differing opinions on how things should get done, but ultimately they came together for a common good. They challenged and encouraged each other.
On September 5, 1774, 56 delegates met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This First Continental Congress represented all the 13 colonies, except Georgia. It included some of the finest leaders in the land, including George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and John Jay. That is not just some average company!
By 1776 (most delegates signed on August 2, 1776) they had come together and solidified a common goal of declaring independence from Britain and forging a new county. Talk about finding consensus!
What have your group of 5 people done lately?
OK - we all don't have to overthrow a tyrannical government and form a new country, but is your group of the 5 people you spend the most time with..
  • challenging you to think differently?
  • encouraging you to take risks?
  • helping you make decisions
  • asking for your thoughts and opinions?
Take some time this weekend to look around at the people you have in your business and your life. Also your social media/news influencers.
Do you like them? Are they doing something cool/amazing/fun? Do they have a positive outlook or are they always complaining? Are they action takers?
If the answer is no -stay tuned to this Month's FAB Fridays as we talk about building a community you love.
BUSINESS: 90 Minute FOCUS Session
"A clear plan, confidence, excitement to get started, like I'm a winner"
These are all things my clients say they feel after a 90 Minute FOCUS session.
These one time coaching sessions via Zoom let us do a deep dive into the places you may be feeling stuck in your business.
I ask you questions and we find the answers together.
You will leave with a clear action plan to move forward.
Stop spinning! Let's get those ideas out of your head and into an action plan!